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Poll: Do you want a minipet for your second birthday present?
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Do you want a minipet for your second birthday present?

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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:13 AM // 09:13   #21
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Originally Posted by Zazoo
Considering the really terrible suggestions most people have come up with.

Id rather have a new batch of mini-pets.

That would change of course if someone came up with a decent idea.
I'm going to have to agree with this.

Just read through the thread Gaile posted. The things most people want for their second birthday are outrageous. Many being more fit for future collectors editions.

Just give us more mini-pets and don't even read the other posts. For some reason everyone thinks they need to either get rich or have a way to WAY SHOW OFF that their character is 2 years old.

Your second birthday is no more special than your first, you don't deserve that much more than a minipet if all we got was a minipet on our first birthday.

Oh, and I did vote no, because I don't want a minipet, but I think all the other suggestions posted are outrageous.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:16 AM // 09:16   #22
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Just give me a Poke-Ball so I can go and capture the a creature I want for a miniature... I'm tired of seeing the same Necrid Horseman, Hydra and Kirin over and over again...
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:19 AM // 09:19   #23
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Originally Posted by unienaule
You know what, you're entitled to your opinion, and that's why there are two choices, and not one choice. This poll is biased?! There are two choices, to mini, or not to mini, that is the question. If you feel that a forum isn't a representative sample, go ahead and convince Anet not to listen to us, because if they didn't care they wouldn't make threads here asking us what we want.
Biasing a poll is subtle.

Firstly, it's biased, of course, simply because of the sampling. People who come here on a regular basis are not the crowd that typically appreciates a minipet. They're the players who expect concrete rewards that somehow increase their efficiency at the game or the size of their e-penis.

Secondly, it's very easy to tell which opinion the poll creator held, simply from reading it.

Here's a sample wording of an actual unbiased poll:
"Do you want a minipet for your second birthday present?"

My apologies for my strong opinions on this subject, but I stand by my statement that the poll is innately biased.

You know, I actually AGREE with everyone who thinks we should get something nifty and untransferrable that shows that our characters are two years old. Something groovy like fancy auras, halos, or whatever. That'd be great. (Guess I have an e-penis, too. ^_^)

I still expect a new minipet, though.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:21 AM // 09:21   #24
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Originally Posted by Vilaptca
Just read through the thread Gaile posted. The things most people want for their second birthday are outrageous. Many being more fit for future collectors editions.

...I think all the other suggestions posted are outrageous.
Well, personally, the only idea I like is the Costume one. And by like, I mean LOVE.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:26 AM // 09:26   #25
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Originally Posted by Vilaptca
I'm going to have to agree with this.

Just read through the thread Gaile posted. The things most people want for their second birthday are outrageous. Many being more fit for future collectors editions.

Just give us more mini-pets and don't even read the other posts. For some reason everyone thinks they need to either get rich or have a way to WAY SHOW OFF that their character is 2 years old.

Your second birthday is no more special than your first, you don't deserve that much more than a minipet if all we got was a minipet on our first birthday.

Oh, and I did vote no, because I don't want a minipet, but I think all the other suggestions posted are outrageous.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the people who want to get rich would do so via TRADEABLE MINIPETS whereas the other suggestions at least are untradeable for the most part. There's a reason I didn't put any specifics in my poll, a reason many people seem unable to grasp. I'd just like to send a message to Anet that says "For the love of Mike, make me anything that isn't a minipet. Use your imagination, whatever, this assumption that hey, everyone wants minis, is totally wrong."
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:27 AM // 09:27   #26
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Originally Posted by Rhedd
Firstly, it's biased, of course, simply because of the sampling. People who come here on a regular basis are not the crowd that typically appreciates a minipet. They're the players who expect concrete rewards that somehow increase their efficiency at the game or the size of their e-penis.
Way to over generalize. *thumbs up* I am one of the people that voted no... The reason behind that is because I enjoyed the Minis I got LAST YEAR. They're just boring and over done now. Even with a new set of minis it wouldnt solve anything cept for those people that do want more money/epeen cuz thats majority result of what would happen with the new set. "Oh look another mini pet... I'm bored with this..." WTS!!!

Anyway I'm gonna just end it here... Its 3:30 am and I'm mostly rambling on the verge of rage mode.

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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:47 AM // 09:47   #27
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Originally Posted by Gusnana1412
Another Idea for B'day present:

Summon a horse or some kind to ride like Necrid Horseman or maybe riding Centaur (Zhed !), no fancy speed increase nor hp increase, just a normal horse to ride with in town and outside (like the minipet behave).

- they have their own emote (horse emote? xD)
- player can still attacking/using skill while riding the horse (outside town/outpost)
- variant: horse, centaur, pig xD, turtle, moa, etc

Note: just adding another possible variant for b'day present

If team dev insist to make 2nd B'day present with minipet, I would like to see 2 Years old characters able to use 2 minipets. (lagging should not be an issue, minipet filter can be invented to deal with this issue, [] Show all minipet, [x] Don't show minipet)

I appreciated the minipet B'day present for the 1 year old character, I really do. But for 2 years old character too? team dev could comes out with a better idea right? or is it because team dev too busy with upcoming update/event/upgrade/new chapter so that they don't really have much time to adding a new things into the mix?, well if that the case then I only can hope that ANet give the Loyal Players a nicer gift as for 2nd years b'day.

PS: I'm sorry for the rant, if its to much I'll modify my post.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:56 AM // 09:56   #28
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I believe Rhedd is correct in saying this is a Biased poll. The two options are "Yes" and "Not that, ANYTHING but that.", and if you click "View Poll Results" you can see Unien voted for the latter, but I don't see a problem with this, as it is a legit question.

I don't think ArenaNet will change their mind about giving Mini-Pets, and there is nothing wrong with making a poll to ask everyones opinion on it, I just don't see them changing it.

PS: I would prefer not to have another Mini-Pet, but I can live with it.

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Old Mar 02, 2007, 09:57 AM // 09:57   #29
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I'd rather have a straight-up pile of gold than more minipets, saves me the trouble of selling them.

I've voted 'anything but', because I know I don't want more minipets, but I might like whatever else they come up with.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 10:01 AM // 10:01   #30
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For the sake of diplomacy, how about this idea:

One year old characters get one present (mini).
Two year old characters get TWO presents (mini and "item of unimaginable coolness (TM)")
Three year old characters get THREE presents... etc.

Just imagine the lewt you'll get in the future! ^_^

edit: Let's do it exponentially, instead! ^_^
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 10:05 AM // 10:05   #31
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No, definately no minipets.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 01:54 PM // 13:54   #32
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Ill pass on my present if that will be a minipet, i dont need that crap.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 02:01 PM // 14:01   #33
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No more mini-pets as second birthday pressie please.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 02:06 PM // 14:06   #34
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mini-pets are nice, but having limited storage is the bad. I'd rather put some useful weapon in my storage rather than something that does nothing, but take up space.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 03:07 PM // 15:07   #35
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I typically forget to set my mini-pet out to play, and most people want mini-pets to make money off of.

Give us something that we cannot sell for a quick profit please.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 03:12 PM // 15:12   #36
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Give us something we CAN sell for a quick profit please.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 03:14 PM // 15:14   #37
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WTB more options than "yes I want it" and "no I don't want it"

Where are the other options?
"Mini-pet or something else, I really don't care. Just anything from the devs would be fun."
"Yes, only if the second year minipets are completely different from the first year."
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 03:22 PM // 15:22   #38
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Umm yeah this poll isn't going to convince Galie of anything. The wording of it and the first post has a clear bias in it that will schew any results.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 03:30 PM // 15:30   #39
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Originally Posted by Red
WTB more options than "yes I want it" and "no I don't want it"

Where are the other options?
"Mini-pet or something else, I really don't care. Just anything from the devs would be fun."
"Yes, only if the second year minipets are completely different from the first year."
The official website, in the introduction to the first birthday presents, clearly stated, "No Miniature Creature will appear in more than one annual series of Birthday Presents."

I'm assuming that if we don't get minipets, we get something else.
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Old Mar 02, 2007, 03:43 PM // 15:43   #40
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I really don't care either way. I would "prefer" however, that I get something new and original so I voted no.
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